Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog Worthy

I've always wanted to start my own blog. So, tonight after making a horrible dinner and having red wine and cinnamon rolls instead, I decided to start my own!

Where to begin. Hmmmmm. Not quite sure what the purpose of blogging is, or why I must have one. I think it is because I find other people's blogs so very interesting that I had to start one of my own.

What if people think my blog is stupid? Oh god. I'm starting to sweat.

What should the focus of my blog be? Cripes! I've got no clue.

I've got it! I'll follow in the footsteps of my sister-in-law and write my first entry about my Dodge Sprinter camper van. Big Tom. Why the name Big Tom? Well, it is red, and it is big, but that is not the real reason. You see, I hate tomatoes. My most hated food (remember this for the future because I'm sure I'll mention my hatred for tomatoes multiple times). I'll eat pretty much anything else except a raw tomato. I won't even buy them. If I'm forced to buy them (so that someone else can cut them) I pretend to not know how to pick one out in the grocery store and have the staff pick them and place them in a plastic bag. I won't touch them.

Back to Big Tom. Brian thought it would be funny to call it Big Tom because it looked like a big red Tomato. But, instead, to make me happy (and possibly save our marriage) he said, "we can call it Big Tom after your Dad." Well, that just melted my heart. So, we call it Big Tom.

Big Tom, Spencer and Brian in Minnesota

We love Big Tom, or BT. It is so much fun. Spencer loves it too.

Spencer, somewhere in Montana. 

This is one of my favorite pictures of Brian.

BT is in the shop right now. The check engine light came on Friday night when we were on our way to White Pass to ski for the weekend. We were 20 minutes from our house on the freeway and the dreaded check engine light came on. Saturday morning we took it to the shop to see what the hell was wrong with it. Something about turbo fuel injector, blah blah blah, covered by the warranty. We are hoping that BT comes home tomorrow so we can just stare at him.

The dogs on one of our camping trips.
The kitchen.

We went camping at Staircase about a month ago. It was quite fun, although a bit cold for Spencer's taste.
Spencer after he jumped into the river. We told him not to jump...

Notice my glorious rain boots. 

This is what it looks like when we are setup and ready to camp.

It is so much fun that sometimes we just like to hang out in BT in our driveway.
After we got home from camping, Spencer stayed in the van for an extra 20 minutes. Basking in the glory of BT. 

Alright. I think I've done it. Made my first blog entry and now I have to figure out how to publish it 


  1. WONDERFUL! I love all the van pictures. All the best blogs have van pictures. :)

  2. Hooray - I LOVE that you started a blog. And I had no idea you'd been following mine. You are going to have a new fondness for comments.

    Welcome - I love it so far! Very Ann!
