Saturday, January 29, 2011

Changing the thong at a time

I've decided to spread the word (via my highly acclaimed and widely read blog) about the necessity and gloriousness of the thong. Yes, I'm talking about underwear that discreetly lies in the crack.

Hands down, the best thong underwear is made by Hanky Panky. Don't worry, it isn't x-rated. The amazing feature of these thongs is they are one size fits all. They literally fit someone who is a size 2 all the way to a size 14. Here is a 5 pack o' thongs. Aren't they lovely?
They aren't scratchy, they don't bind, they rarely "ride up", they are absolutely perfect! Are you sold yet?  No?  Ok, I'll keep going then.

I've worn thongs for years. I had resigned myself to what I will call the "sensible thong" from Patagonia.
The Patagonia thong is breathable, durable and machine washable. I guess you could also call these a "hardy thong". The damn things never wear out.

Then I discovered the HP thong a couple of years ago at the Nordstrom anniversary sale. The person that was helping me insisted that I buy them. I was immediately skeptical, so I bought 4 pair.

I brought them home and tried them on.  They took a little bit of work to get into them. I won't go into too much details but I will say that I had to sort of "shimmy" to get in them. But, once they were on I immediately gave them a high kick and I was good to go!

I wore my new HP's every day that week. By Thursday I realized I had been wearing them backwards. Yes, I was wearing a thong backwards and didn't even know it for 4 days. (I'm sorry if I gave you a horrifying visual) My only explanation for this is that Patagonia underwear has the label or tag in the front. I had been wearing these thongs for 3+ years. So, when I transition to HP thongs, I instinctively put the "tag in the front". You'd have to own a pair to realize how easy of a mistake this is. Trust me. The best part of this whole experience was telling this story to my co-worker. Her response was, "even my 5 year old son knows that the tag goes in the back!" Well, sure. I do too now.

I love these HP thongs so much that I have now begun buying them as a birthday present for my friends. It is hard to believe that a thong could change your life - but it really can. I bought them for my friend Camille and she immediately went out and purchased a 5-pack. She now has them for everyday of the week. Now THAT is sensible. I bought them for my friend Stefanie - I'm pretty sure she loves them. Or at least that is what she tells me.

Go ahead ladies. Purchase one now. It will change you life - even if you wear them backwards.


  1. Not only have you worn them backwards, you have worn them sideways too!

  2. Good point Brian. Perhaps I am just challenged in this department.

  3. I am laughing out loud. You crack me up! BACKWARDS. That is too funny! I wouldn't have ever thought of that. But, yes, I love me some HPs too! :-) KD used to tease me for that.

  4. Ok. You've convinced me to try these. They should pay you.
